Burn injuries are devastating. They are physically painful for months, if not for the rest of the victim’s life. They can lead to permanent disfigurement, disability, and a lifetime fight with anxiety, depression, and secondary health issues. Then, there are the unexpected medical expenses, loss of wages, and the loss of how one planned to live their life.
If you or someone you know suffered a burn injury because of the negligence of another, schedule a consultation with the McAllen burn injury lawyers of the Falcon Law Group, PLLC. We help burn injury victims get the compensation they deserve. Se Habla Español.
What Are the Most Common Ways Burn Injuries Occur?
The short answer is that most common ways that burn injuries occur is by heat given off by liquids, steam, surfaces, fire, electricity, or radiation. However, when we think loosely about burn injuries, we’re more likely to answer “common ways a burn injury occurs” as:
- On-the-job– an example is a chemical burn or an electrical burn.
- A car or truck accident.
- A burn injury caused by a defective product. An example is a cell phone with a battery that overheats and causes a burn on the skin.
- Premise liability matters. For example, you’re staying in a hotel or Airbnb that should have a working fire alarm or smoke detector and they do not.
What Are Common Types of Burn Injuries?
There are four basic types of burn injuries:
- Thermal burns - A thermal burn is caused by the victim coming into contact with superheated items. This includes flames, steam, and scalding liquids.
- Flash burns - A flash burn occurs when a victim is exposed to an explosion.
- Chemical burns - A chemical burn occurs when a victim is burned because of their contact with a caustic material. For example, a car accident may somehow cause a victim to come into contact with a caustic liquid being hauled by a commercial vehicle or a hazmat vehicle.
- Inhalation injury - An inhalation injury occurs when a victim breathes in smoke or other chemicals that damage the respiratory system. Carbon monoxide is another common gas that can cause an inhalation injury.
Burns to the skin are classified as first, second, third, or fourth degree. Third and fourth degree burns are the most severe. That’s not to say that first and second degree burns aren’t painful and don’t require the care of a doctor, it’s only to say third and fourth degree burns often require more medical care.
Severe burn injuries could require:
- Amputation
- On-going antibiotics to prevent infections
- Skin grafts
- Surgery
- A lifetime of medical care to improve your quality of life
Who Is Responsible for Your Burn Injury?
Liability is the key to determining who is responsible for your burn injury. However, liability isn’t always easy to prove. It depends on the facts related to your burn injury. Liability is about proving negligence. Sometimes, negligence can rest on the proverbial shoulders of more than one person. Take some of the recent vehicle recalls as an example. If you’re involved in a car accident and you’re burned, what if the other driver didn’t take their vehicle in to replace a recalled part known to cause a fire on impact? Is the driver at fault both for the accident and not replacing the part via recall? What about the car manufacturer for the recalled part? What about the maker of the defective part?
It’s not always cut and dry on liability for on-the-job burn injuries, either. Burn injury cases can be complicated. Victims should focus on their recovery and work with an experienced burn injury lawyer to manage their claim.
Types of Compensation for Burn Injuries
Burn injury victims may be eligible for financial compensation. Examples include:
- Emergency, current, and on-going medical treatment
- Lost wages
- Temporary and permanent disability
- Disfigurement
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Wrongful death
- Loss of consortium
- Physical therapy
- Job training
Help for Victims: Experienced McAllen Burn Injury Lawyers
If you or a loved one suffered from a burn injury, you don’t have to face everything alone. The experienced McAllen burn injury lawyers of the Falcon Law Group are here to help get you what you need and deserve. Schedule your consultation now.